Monday 07:30-08:00 Functional Conditioning
Tuesday 09:00-09.45 Pilates
Wednesday 09:00-09.30 Class of the week
09:00-09.45 Zumba Dance
Friday 09:00-09.45 Body Conditioning
Once you have booked onto your class(es), make sure you join the KJV Unlimited FB group. Pay as you go customers will be accepted into the group before the chosen class(es) and removed 24 hours afterwards.
Functional Conditioning
A strength training class with content which varies weekly using mainly bodyweight exercises, with occasional use of bands, balls and weights to add intensity.
The main focus is on legs, bums and tums with some inclusion of upper body for all over toning.
Named after its creator, Joseph Pilates, who developed the exercises in the 1920s - pilates is a method of exercise that consists of low-impact flexibility, muscular strength and endurance movements. It emphasises proper postural alignment, core strength and muscle balance.
All levels are catered for with modifications offered to the original exercises to make Pilates achievable for everyone.
Class of the week
Class changes weekly to incorporate a variety of class options including cardio combat, yoga or HIIT training.
The class varies from 30-45 minutes in duration.
Zumba Dance
Come and dance at the party!! A fun uplifting class consisting of Latin inspired short dances that will get you moving and improve your mood and coordination.
Just you and the music!
Body Conditioning
A total all over body strength training workout using bands or weights. Shape and tone your entire body using resistance training. Simple combinations of moves to keep you motivated.
Benefits include: Supporting fat loss, helping mental health, improving balance, improving posture, supporting healthy bones, regulating blood sugar and improving heart health.
Please note: Classes are subject to change - View terms